We meet at Vedder Middle School  (45560 South Sumas Road) at 10:30 AM every Sunday

What is CROSSROADS about?

 Let’s get straight to the point
Some words that describe Crossroads are:

Easy going
Service oriented

Our motto is short and to the point.

Follow Jesus. Love People. Make Disciples.

 If you’re still reading, let me tell you more. Crossroads looks toward Jesus as our centre, our teacher, and our example. There are many issues in the church today that tend to divide, we choose instead to focus on what unites all Christians, our belief in Jesus as the Christ, and our saviour. We try to live out our faith in Jesus by being gracious, compassionate  and caring.

Crossroads tries to be a safe place for people to connect - with God and with a faith community. We value relationships and authenticity. We don’t expect everyone to agree on everything, but rather place our emphasis on living out our faith in practical ways.

For more info contact one of our staff or contact the church office: office@crossroadscommunity.ca


ONLINE: Contact the church office to be a part of our church update email. Check us out on FACEBOOK or INSTAGRAM.

We love our set up team volunteers!

We meet in a gym and they show up early every week and get things all ready behind the scenes. Take a look at the time lapse video of some of their work!

Here are some FAQ that might help give you more of a sense of who we are:

1. Where do you meet for Sunday morning worship?

In-person services: We meet at Vedder Middle School  (45560 South Sumas Road) at 10:30 AM.

Online Services: We record our Sunday morning service and put the message online by Tuesday or Wednesday and you can find them here: https://www.crossroadscommunity.ca/pages/sunday-morning 

2. What about kids?

Kidzone is our children’s program from nursery to Grade 5. Every Sunday we have a nursery for ages 6 months to 3 years old in the library at Vedder Middle School, and a multi age class for ages 4 up to Grade 5 (also meeting in the library).

Your child's safety and well-being are of upmost importance to us and we will register your child and get all pertinent information on your first visit. The children are dismissed after the worship segment of the service to attend Kidzone. We use a mixed curriculum and each week we share a lesson with discussion, crafts, colouring, word searches and more!  We look forward to welcoming your child on Sundays!  Don’t forget to check out our Kidzone Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/crossroadskidzone/

3. How do I connect through the week?

We believe connecting into a life group is the best enviroment to grow with others and in your relationship with God. Groups are an important strategy all throughout our different ministries, whether it's in youth, with moms, or a running group, we hope you can find one that fits with where you are at! Check out our life group page for more details: https://www.crossroadscommunity.ca/ministries/life-groups

4. What denomination is Crossroads a part of?

Crossroads Community Church is a member of the Mennonite Church of BC. You can find our statement of faith here: What We Believe.