One of the best and most fun ways to support our Mission Team to Mexico each year is to participate in our Meal Auction - either by hosting a meal or by buying a plate(s) at a meal.
THANKS to all who were willing to host a meal this year!
Everybody else: Would you be willing to purchase a plate or two?
Please bring your day planner/smartphone (to see if meal dates work for you) and a method of payment (cheque, cash, credit/debit) to buy a plate or two at an awesome meal or two. Chef and location will be a surprise until after the auction.
This is a ticketed event. You will need a $10 MEAL AUCTION ticket to attend (tickets are non-receiptable). Your MEAL AUCTION ticket gets you into the auction, entitles you to chips, salsa, and dessert, and gives you the chance to “win a meal.”
Tickets will be available Sunday March 30th, April 6th at the morning service and at the door that same night! Also at anytime online through Tithely, pick up tickets from Emily with proof of purchase.
MEAL AUCTION Tickets “Win a Meal.” Each ticket makes it possible for you to win two plates at a meal. These tickets will be drawn at the end of the auction. These tickets are non-receiptable.
Here are the guidelines:
1. You can choose to accept or decline the meal at that time. If you choose to decline the meal your ticket will NOT go back into the draw.
Payment for Meals: Please make payment on Sunday April 6th @ the Auction.
Here’s how: Cheques are to be made payable to: CROSSROADS COMMUNITY CHURCH (please make a note on the “memo” line of your cheque: MEXICO 2025). With credit card using our square machine.
Meal purchases are tax receiptable minus $10.00.
Thanks for your generous support CCC!!