CCC YOUTH (Gr.6-12) meet Thursday nights at Eden Mennonite Church from 7-8:30pm for some super fun games, a time to learn and explore questions about God, meet new friends and hang out with awesome youth leaders. We also meet in small groups, serve in our community and have other activities offered throughout the year. We want to follow Jesus, love people, and grow as His followers the best we can! ALL students welcome, no fees (with exception of special events)
What might happen on a youth night? Depending on the night you can expect the following!
Normal Youth Night: We will meet hang out at the church, play in the youth room, play some group games, have some snacks, have a relevant Bible lesson and teaching time, along with a time to break off with small groups with youth leaders.
Social Event Nights: These events provide opportunities for the youth to meet new people, connect with their friends/youth leaders, and to have fun!
Small Group Nights: These are nights with small group leaders where students can connect in a smaller setting.
Service Nights: These are nights designed to know Jesus better by the shared experience of doing something He might do...serving and loving others!
What about Sunday morning services?
We believe and love for the students to be a part of the Sunday service and worship experience together in unity with everyone. It is our philosophy and preference that students should take part in the main worship service. Whether it's participating, serving, or being involved in another way we have a high value in having our students engaged on Sundays with everyone!
Please contact Pastor Kyle with question at or 778-8783490 to sign up for a youth update email list.
You can also check out the youth instagram page here